Our newest client, EK, wants to tone up as much as she can in 3 weeks before her holiday. At this late stage what we do get get her a beach body?

Our newest client, EK, wants to tone up as much as she can in 3 weeks before her holiday. At this late stage what we do get get her a beach body?
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 9th annual Worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2015: What’s driving the market: is great news for Muddy Plimsolls clients because we combine ALL THREE in our personal training service.
Our pre-season ski fitness programme includes techniqus for walking through deep snow and reactive training to avoid hazards like trees and other skiers
We start our beginners guide to calisthenics by asking what is calisthenics and how best to think about a calisthenics workout routine.
If your kids are back to school in Battersea, and you want to turn your attention to some exercise ‘me’ time, Battersea Park is a great location.
Muddy Plimsolls’ fitness ebook covers 10 outdoor exercise ideas to radically improve your workout. A unique approach to combining bodyweight exercise and training outdoors.
How to run is more important for beginners than how far you can run. Our fitness blogger Brit Williams’ running training plan improves her technique.
5 essential tips for getting the most out of your outdoor body weight exercises. Dramatically improve the effectiveness of your park workout.
Improve strength training and conditioning in an outdoor setting by changing resistance, reps, rest, range of movement and rate each session.
You may remember calisthenics from your school days: endless jumping jacks & sit ups. At Muddy Plimsolls we’re reinventing those classic fitness exercises