Workout programme to keep you on track

Review your workout programme every 4 weeks - and start planning the next stage
Beginners Guide to Outdoor Fitness:
Jason Doggett, co-founder of Muddy Plimsolls, the outdoor personal training experts, reveals his expert tips & tricks throughout January.
See the whole mini-blog series, published daily, here >>
Review your workout programme to ensure you’re on the right track
The end of January is the perfect time to review your first month’s workout programme.
As a personal trainer, I review my clients’ progress every 4 weeks and make several changes to their workout programme. I chart their improvement in exercise performance and the weight loss they’ve achieved.
With your own review, ask yourself: did I stick to my original workout programme? How could I have improved on my exercises? What’s an appropriate goal to aim for me for the next 4 weeks?
Stay positive and congratulate yourself on what you’ve accomplished – and remember to reward yourself, too!
Buy online today and start training tomorrow!
Choose one of our Personal Training Plans to get in shape, in the great outdoors. Call us to make your first booking: 020 7491 1235.