Rolling snowballs workout in London snow

Rolling giant snowballs, in Regent’s Park
London snow doesn’t have to interrupt outdoor training
Whilst London’s in snow and gridlocked, get moving with an energetic outdoor fitness workout.
For a few days of the year, I get to train my clients in London snow, which is a great way to vary a fitness session. Rolling giant snowballs is good for the back and legs, when supervised and performed correctly with a personal trainer. While it might seem like a whole lot of child’s play, snow is really heavy stuff, so hauling it around adds intensity to a workout and burns a lot of calories. And research suggests that outdoor workouts burn approximately 20 per cent more calories than exercising indoors, because the body uses more energy to keep warm.
Alternatively, you can pack some snow into an old bag and use the weight for over-the-head exercises. Or grasped to the chest during squats, lunges, and hill drives