When your wedding fitness plans aren’t going to plan
It’s 6 Weeks until your wedding and something’s not working with your wedding fitness programme.
You’ve been attending an exercise class twice a week for weeks beforehand. You enjoy the class, and feel tired afterwards. You’re not on a written-down diet but you have been watching what you eat and trying to eat healthily. But you’ve seen no significant weight loss since you first started. And you don’t have the muscle tone you wanted.
Can anything be done? Yes it can. 6 weeks is a tight schedule but there is time to make some great progress and achieve the look you wanted.
Here’s our advice to make the most of the time you have left.
Re-assess those fitness classes
Yes, you may be tired after a class. But are you getting results? If the scales show your weight has stayed the same over a couple of weeks, that isn’t going to magically change. Think about swapping to a class that is more effective and efficient in burning calories, improving muscle tone or both.
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And get real about your diet
It’s time to get serious. You don’t have time to waste a week writing down a food diary. You have to adopt a lean but sensible diet NOW. Week 1 of our 6 Week Wedding Fitness Blitz involves phasing out the remaining poor food on a day by day basis.
We’re big fans of the Precision Nutrition system developed by Dr John Berardi. Take a look at Dr Berardi’s Strategies for Success document. These 10 rules for a healthy diet include:
- Eat more complete proteins
- Eat better throughout the morning
- Avoid processed lunches
- Add veggies to every meal
- Prepare your own food
- Avoid calorific drinks
Focus on areas of the body that will get seen in your dress
Then focus on those areas as part of your whole-body workout routine. Shoulders, arms, tummy, legs are the classic body parts most brides want to tone up.
But don’t forget the big picture
Nothing slows a workout down more than focussing on toning arms with a few bicep curls. Make sure your workout keeps you on your feet, keeps you moving and keeps you making the big compound movements (big movements of the limbs). Exercises like the squat, shoulder press and push up use a large percentage of overall muscle and promotes calorie-burning.
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Demand better results from your personal trainer
If you’re already using a personal trainer – and you have been following all of his/her advice, then sit down with them and find out their plan for you for the next 6 weeks. Your trainer should have plenty of options in terms of the exercise programme you are on.
You must have a scheduled training programme in your diary. Block all your training sessions out and keep them: you can’t afford to miss a single session. And if unforeseen demands mean you can’t make the original date and time, don’t cancel: reschedule for that same week. Attend all your sessions.
Sessions can be spaced out, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But they don’t have to be. Back-to-back sessions on adjoining days can be programmed so as to keep your energy up but still achieve your goals. And the days you train can differ from week to week as your pre-wedding schedule dictates.
Nerves and final touches to the wedding plans will keep you busy. So use training sessions as a break from the mayhem.
Do some homework, away from your trainer
A fourth session each week – perhaps of a lesser intensity – done without your trainer can make all the difference. Could be a run at the weekend. Or some calisthenics (bodyweight exercises) at home. Or a class at your local gym. Mostly, it’s an enjoyable hour of keeping the heart rate elevated and burning some calories.
Adopt these strategies throughout the 6 weeks and we think you’ll really see some great changes to your shape. Consistency is your greatest weapon so keep it up!
Getting married? Would like to look and feel your best on the day? We offer a range of wedding fitness training across London and beyond for brides, grooms and all members of the wedding party.
Wedding Fitness Training Plans