Why we lead the field in outdoor personal training
We’re the only outdoor personal training company featured in a Coach Mag article on the Top 10 ways to get an outdoor workout
So it’s clear that group classes is a very popular option when thinking of outdoor exercise. So why do we focus on one-to-one personal training? Because we believe in it’s power to effect change and our strengths as a company to service clients. So the publication of Coach Mag’s article is a perfect opportunity to explain how Muddy Plimsolls is still the pioneering outdoor personal training company when it comes to customer service.
Attention to detail
Our trainers have the opportunity to focus on one client. And in a quiet, open space, without having to communicate to a whole class, they can leaner more about the client’s goals, and background. The client has the opportunity to feedback how they are feeling during the session, and our trainer can better adapt the training programme in response. So, we can get more details to help us design a better training plan than a class instructor would have the chance to do.
Our technical knowledge
Above and beyond having REPS Level 3 or 4 qualifications, we work with trainers that really develop their own knowledge of the human anatomy.
The very fact that we travel to clients and mostly train outdoors means our equipment has to be pared down to the essentials; equipment that works and no fancy new gadgets. So, instead of simply loading more kilos onto a weight machine, our trainers progress their client’s fitness through expert knowledge of sports physiology and human anatomy. It also means our sessions are packed with tried and tested workouts.
Our customer service
As a company, Muddy Plimsolls Ltd has always championed brilliant customer service. Whether it’s timely email replies, returning phone calls or following-up on client requests. We have a dedicated phone line for enquiries, offer hassle-free online credit/debit card payments and offer regular client offers and referral schemes.
To find out more about our personal training services complete our Enquiry Form.