How to guarantee a great response when you give a personal training gift card
Here’s 3 tips (and a checklist) on how to give a personal training gift card
If you think a loved one of yours would really benefit getting a personal training gift card but you’re not sure how it might be taken, here’s our advice.
This blog offers some solutions so that the recipient of your gift is delighted and excited at the prospect of working with a fitness professional.
We think buying personal training sessions for a loved one is a great idea. Of course we do, we’re a personal training firm. However there may be a concern that the recipient will think you think they’re overweight (or, sometimes, underweight). However, there are plenty of approaches in buying personal training for a loved one, for Christmas, Valentine’s Day or birthday that doesn’t involve you telling them they need to lose weight or are too skinny.
Our online shop holds our full range of personal training gift cards, starting from £50.
Do some ground work
Our first piece of advice is to find out if your partner is in the right frame of mind to receive such a gift. And perhaps move them a little closer to it. Choose a time when they complain about their weight (or lack of success in the gym) to start a conversation about solutions. Or perhaps they watch a tv show and express admiration for someone performing a push-up or a sports star’s body.
If you don’t want to have a “ta-da!” moment (where you just produce an envelope with a personal training gift certificate in it) then start small with a fitness app or device to get them interested in the subject before diving in.
Pitch the idea
Fitness training is about outcomes but also, certainly here at Muddy Plimsolls, it’s also a process. That process can be one of learning or of accepting a challenge or of simply spending some time de-stressing. Couching personal training in one of these ways moves from the idea that it’s all just “hey, you need to lose some weight!”.
You can emphasise the military-style training, or ninja-style or training for a Tough Mudder. Your loved one may have a sport they would like to improve, say tennis or golf. So emphasise that the personal training is can be all about sports conditioning to improve their game. Other physical benefits can be being able to pick up a baby, completing a 5k race or being fitter for a charity expedition. Some of our clients see their trainer as the source of ‘Insider Secrets’ to great results. In fact, if you contact us, we can always design a personal training gift card package that suits the recipient exactly.
And focus on the more general health and wellbeing benefits of exercise; better sleep, more energy, more alertness.
Improve your chances of a positive response
Offer to attend training sessions with them. Either to participate or to support on the sidelines. Suggest their personal training sessions begin at home. Buy a small package of sessions for them to dip their toe in the water. Contact us if you’d like some advice.
Will your recipient be delighted to receive a personal training gift? Our checklist.
- Do they enjoy learning and take instruction? (read non-fiction books, enjoy work-related continuing professional development)
- Do they already follow an exercise-regime but lament the lack of results?
- Do they follow the advice of professionals? (experts on tv, the advice of their doctor)
- Have they had a trainer before?
- Do they have an upcoming event they’d like to look good for?
- Have they ever commented on always wanting to be able to do something physical such as a pull-up or a cartwheel?
- Would they like to improve their performance in a sport? (return the fast serve in tennis, jump higher in basketball)
Visit our online shop to purchase a personal training gift card.
When you’ve bought your card, we’ll email the recipient an e-card on the day you require.