Fitness Training in Spring is here
Exercise outdoors in Spring and really enjoy the season’s varied weather
Officially spring is 20 March. But with the bursts of glorious sunshine we’re seeing, plus the daffodils and crocuses bursting into life in the parks and green spaces where we train our clients, we thought we’d get ahead of the game and invite you to come out and join us this year.
It’s all about the new training apparel
When you train indoors, it’s the same old, same old experience. But outdoors, it’s all about the seasons.
And each season has a different vibe when it comes to fitness training. With training in Spring comes the opportunity to try out the newest workout apparel. Technical fibres. new colours and designs help you stay comfortable and warm and focussed on your performance. And having made it through the winter, spring training takes on a new element: of looking forward to peeling off layers and enjoying the results of your hard work when the weather gets warmer.

Plyometrics puts bounce in your step, strengthening and toning legs
And training for the Summer
Before that happens, though, there’s the Easter skiing trip. You may need a leg strength programme so that your legs don’t give out after the first day. And some reactionary training, plyometrics (pictured) and core strength to help you stay upright and able to make it safely to the bottom of the slope.
Or there’s the charity half-marathon, or the charity hike, or the obstacle race you signed up for later in the year. You’re going to need some mentoring for those events, if you’re going to finish them in good time, or just finish them.
And then there’s the summer holiday. Whether you spend it on the beach, by the pool or walking the city, warmer weather is so much nicer to experience when you look their best and feel good about themselves.