Four great reasons for starting a fitness programme now
Achieving your fitness and weight loss goals before the festive season
Winter weight loss is becoming more popular as clients aim to reach the festive season lighter, slimmer and happier through our winter fitness programme.
Over the last couple of years, here at Muddy Plimsolls, we’ve found an increase in new client enquiries during autumn/winter in the lead up to the festive season. So we thought that we’d offer some advice to readers on how to approach training this time of year. Here’s our approach towards some of the more popular seasonal goals, and advice on what to focus on with your exercise routine in the autumn/winter.
Preparing for the festive season
Losing some weight before the party season may see counterintuitive. Aren’t you gong to be putting weight on due to all those tempting treats at the office? Actually, losing weight encourages you not to snack to much as you don’t want to ruin what you’ve just achieved.
Focus on big, compound exercises and a 6 week weight loss plan that has carbs and fat in a sensible proportion. Take note of the weight as you lost it and celebrate your accomplishment. Just don’t bore your colleague at the office Christmas party.
Preparing for skiing holidays
Whether its downhill skiing, snowboarding or cross-country, we’ve trained clients for all of these disciplines. We recommend mixing endurance exercises – to allow you to ski all day – with balance and reactive exercises, to keep you on your feet and quicken your responses to the demands and hazards of the slopes.
Preparing for winter sun
By lifting heavier, and focusing on achieving a stricter diet, that toned look will come through in time for your beach holiday. We like to burn calories by mixing a high volume of repetitions and quick speeds to get the heart pumping.
We recommend that clients be sensible and aim for dropping a dress size or aiming for a set number of inches off the waistline rather than expecting to achieve a certain percentage of body fat.
Preparing for the New Year resolution rush
Wouldn’t it be nice to start the new year without a mountain to climb when it comes to your fitness goals? It certainly eases the pressure of resolutions to find that you’re already halfway there.
By setting fitness goals now, in the early part of winter, your Christmas break will be a fantastic reward. Plus, it will make it so much easier to return to training come in January.
Complete our enquiry form to get started on a weight loss-focussed exercise programme now. Muddy Plimsolls offers fun and effective outdoor personal training across London that can really help you feel fitter and have more energy as well as kick start your healthy diet this winter.